Application settings

Long-press any application icon to open its settings.

  • Reset the default icon

  • Select a custom icon file (.jpg, .png or .svg)

  • Select an icon from the provided icon set
  • You can change the application label with the top field. Leave it empty to reset to the original/official name.
  • RxLauncher automatically detects which applications are system or user applications, and use this information to filter them in the application list. You can change this if RxLauncher is wrong.
  • You can easily hide an application from the list. Get to the RxLauncher settings to show again hidden applications if you need.
  • Select quick access to permanently show the application in the right bar.
  • Uninstall will uninstall the application from the system. Note that some system apps can not be removed without rooting the phone.


URLs / Web applications you may have added have the exact same settings and work in RxLauncher the same way as any application.